TIPO launches Design Patent Priority Document Exchange Program with JPO starting from January 1, 2022
The Taiwan-Japan MoU on Electronic Patent Priority Document Exchange (PDX) was signed in 2013, applicable to both invention and utility model patent applications. As the PDX program has been put to extensive use by applicants from both countries since its implementation, an additional MoU on Design Patent Priority Document Exchange was signed in 2019. Upon its implementation, by providing an ...
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Password of electronic ID will be notified via e-mail effective on January 1, 2022
Since 2009, TIPO has entrusted Taiwan-CA Inc. to be responsible for issuing electronic ID. Users get the password in paper via mail after filling in request forms online and submitting required documents to the office in charge. To be time-saving and be at users’ convenience, effective on Jan. 1, 2022, password of the electronic ID will be sent to users ...
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TIPO releases Guide to AI Application in Precision Medicine IP
The Guide, presented in the form of a video, consists of 12 topics covering the fields of patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. By featuring scenarios most concerning to industries or frequently encountered situations, the video disseminates relevant and crucial intellectual property knowledge, starting from R&D, the application process, IPR protection, to means to acquire further information regarding IP. Released ...
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Amended Request Forms for Design and Derivative Design together with the Filing Guide thereof effective on January 1, 2022
Accommodating to the guide to Design Patent Priority Document Exchange Program with JPO amended and released on Nov. 24, 2021, section where indicating priority document(s) to be obtained via electronic exchange is added to the request forms to facilitate applicants’ use.Both the design patent request form and the application guide amended for applicants’ use can be downloaded from TIPO’s website.Released ...
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Amended “Positive Patent Examination Pilot Program for Startups” effective on January 1, 2022
Since January 1, 2021, TIPO has been implementing the “Positive Patent Examination Pilot Program for Startups” to offer assistance in evaluating patent acquisition probability and provide advice on ways to promptly obtain patent rights. Upon receiving positive responses to the results of the pilot program, TIPO has decided to amend and conduct it for an additional year. Moreover, during the ...
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